Power your app engagement
with the GluedIn SDK

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Mobile SDK features
Power in-app engagement with the GluedIn
Console features
Power in-app engagement with the GluedIn
All features


Multi content videos, images, Personalized content, Share, Like, Edit comment, Delete comment, Play video, Pause video, Mute video, Unmute video, Report content, Save as draft, Download content, Social sharing, Profanity filter


Search content, Categories listing, Profile rail, Fresh arrival rail, Trending hashtags rail, Trending challenges rail, View challenges, Join challenges, View hashtag feed

Social sharing

Download content in the device gallery, View/Remove drafted content, Post to other social media - Facebook and Instagram

Report content

Multiple reporting options, Reported content grid, Play video, Video report detail, View report history, Accept, Reject, Filter, Search, Sort

Activity Timeline

Content Timeline of Individual User Interactions - Like, Share, Comment.


Profile image, My content, Followers list, Following list, Edit profile details, All draft content list, More section, Change password

Other community features

Download content in the device gallery, View/Remove drafted content


Content grid, content detail, Play videos, Accept, Reject, Filter, Sort


Push notification, In-app notification, Notifications for Like, Comment, Follow, Tag, Video active, Video inactive, User inactive, User activated, Video moderation rejected


Total likes, Total shares, Total followers, Total comments, Total uploaded content, Total profile visits, Total user acquisition, Topular challenges, Total MAUs


Add challenge Challenge details, Join challenge, Challenge videos feed, Leaderboard, Challenges grid, Edit challenges details, Filter, Search, Sort

Ad monetization

Banner ads,native ads, interstitial ads, Add ads, Delete ads


Total likes, total shares, total followers, total comments,total uploaded content,total profile visits, total user acquisition, popular challenges, Total MAUs


Create curation, curation grid, manual curation, choose content type, Select content, Publish/Edit/Manage curation


Upload content, View content, Edit content details, Content grid, Filter, Search, Sort


User grid, Lock user, Unlock user, Edit user details, Filter, Search, Sort


Create new categories, Categories grid, Edit category details, Filter, Search, Sort


Video Feed, Shopping Catalog, Retail Price, Discount Price, Deep Link, Web Link


About us page, Privacy policy page, Terms & Conditions page, Console permissions - Allow download/share


via Email, via Google, via Facebook, via Apple

Creator tools

Create video and image content Upload content from gallery, Publish Content in-App and also on other social media, Set timer, Flash, Flip, Trim, Hashtags, Tag friends, Play sound, Custom cover image, Sound grid, Add sound, Play sound, Edit sound detail, Filter, Search, Sort