This document shares, detailed integration steps to use GluedIn Web Sdk.
Why should I use GluedIn?
GluedIn adds below value points :
  • Gluedin increases user stickiness with the application.
  • It increases user interaction and user time spent on the application.
What are the benefits of getting GluedIn?
GluedIn adds below value points :
Compatibility Data
Feed timeline data Raw feed data to make your feed module
User interaction Supports Like/Dislike functionality
Comment list Raw comment data to make your comment module
Comment Edit/Delete User interactions present in comment module
Top Profile list Raw top profile data
Report content Report method
Hashtag Raw data for hashtag module
User activity Raw data for the User activity
Profile Raw data for user’s profile and other user’s profile
  • Use latest jQuery library
Generate App Credentials
  • Follow onboarding steps on the Console
  • Create your project in the dashboard and get the API and Secret key.
Download sample app
Download the sample app from here.