Feed Format:
We have two type of feed, Square feed and vertical feed. Describing both type of feed one by one.
Square Feed And Vertical Feed
Integration Steps:
After SDK integration follow the below steps to enable card based feed in to GlueDIn SDK
  • Go to the App file → Open info.plist file
  • Add the below pod dependency into your pod file
  • To add only core module pod dependency, add below
  • Find “VERTICAL_FEED“ key in side the app info.plist file
  • Make it False if wish this as a square feed
  • If you choose ‘1' or 'True’ then the feed will be launch as a vertical feed manner only
Call back method:
Below are the GluedIn Feed SDK call back which need to be integrated.
Convenient to load baked creator module and its protocol callback methods.
func didSelectUnlike(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didSelectShoppableProduct(feedModel: FeedModel?,
                  shoppableProduct: ShoppableProduct?) {}
  func didSelectProfile(feedModel: FeedModel?,
             profileId: String,
             navigationController: UINavigationController) {}
  func didSelectHashtag(feedModel: FeedModel?,
             hashtagName: String,
             hashtagId: String,
             navigationController: UINavigationController) {}
  func didSelectChallenge(feedModel: FeedModel?,
              challengeName: String,
              challengeId: String,
              navigationController: UINavigationController) {}
  func didSelectShare(feedModel: FeedModel?,
            shareType: ShareType,
            navigationController: UINavigationController?,
            completion: completionHandler?) -> () {}
  func showLoginRegisterPopup(navigationController: UINavigationController) {}
  func showCoachMark(navigationController: UINavigationController?) -> () {}
  // Analytics
  func appScreenViewEvent() -> () {}
  func appViewMoreEvent() -> () {}
  func appContentUnLikeEvent(feed: FeedModel?) -> () {}
  func appContentLikeEvent(feed: FeedModel?) -> () {}
  func appVideoPlayEvent(feed: FeedModel?) -> () {}
  func appVideoResumeEvent(feed: FeedModel?) -> () {}
  func appVideoPauseEvent(feed: FeedModel?) -> () {}
  func appVideoReplayEvent(feed: FeedModel?) -> () {}
  func appVideoStopEvent(feed: FeedModel?, duration: String?) -> () {}
  func appViewClickEvent(feed: FeedModel?) -> () {}
  func didSelectBack(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didScrolledToNextVideo(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didScrolledToPreviousVideo(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didVideoWatched(videoAsset: FeedModel?, currentDuration: Int64, totalDuration: Int64) {}
  func didMediaReady(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func onVideoRestarted(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didVideoStarted(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func playerItemNewAccessLogEntry(aVPlayerItemAccessLog: AVPlayerItemAccessLog?) {}
  func playerItemErrorLog(aVPlayerItemErrorLog: AVPlayerItemErrorLog?) {}
  func playerStatusError(error: Error?, videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didSelectlike(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didSelectComment(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didVideoPlayPause(isPlaying: Bool?, videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didDoubleTap(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didPlaybackCompleted(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func onVideoEnd(videoAsset: FeedModel?) {}
  func didNetworkOffline() {}