Authentication with the Social module 
Below are the steps for authenticate app using the auth module:
Step 2: Design and add the FB/Google or Apple button on controlle:
Design and add FB/Google/Apple button on any of your controller from where you wanted to authenticate user by social login. For facebook/Google and apple we have provide documentation link for your help please go through in these document and follow the steps as mention:
Step 3: call the API public method with required parameter:
Below are the api public method which you need to call after successfully login with social and pass the required parameter as describe below.
Social Login:
If user trying to login in the system using social login (Google/Facebook and Apple) then as a developer you should use below method:
		 public func socialLogin(param: SocialSiginParam?,
                             success: @escaping (UserData?) -> (),
                             failure: @escaping (String, Int) -> ()) -> ()
Note: Check if we can make a single method with login type