Release Note

v3.6.10( 23-06-2023)

  • Handle media permissions for android 13
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Improved Logging


  • Bug Fixes and Improvements


  • Added Auto Sign-in & SDK Auto Validation feature via custom user defined values. Use the setAutoSDKValidation method of the GluedIn Configuration class.
    						  setAutoSDKValidation(GluedInAutoValidation(p1,p2,p3.... etc))
    ----- Sample GluedInAutoValidation class ------
                 userinfo = Userinfo(
                 userId = "user_id",
                 fullName = "full_name",
                 userName = "user_name",
                 email = "",
                 profileImageUrl = "",
                 creator = true
           userValidation = UserValidation(
                closedCommunity = false,
                privacyPolicy = "",
                aboutUs = "",
                termsAndConditions = "",
                userAccessToken = "user_access_token",
                userRefreshToken = "user_refresh_token",
                guestRefreshToken = "guest_user_refresh_token",
                guestAccessToken = "guest_user_access_token",
                clientId = "client_id"
  • Bug fix related to invalid access token


  • Improved Facebook integration to avoid conflicts with parent app settings
  • Added GIF support in card based Feed
  • Fixed app permissions issue for Android 13 and above
  • Exposed setVideoResizeModeForVerticalPlayer method for Vertical Feed to set the Aspect Ration as per need
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements


  • Bug Fixes


  • Bug Fixes and Improvements


  • Fixed video frame rendering issue on Android 13
  • Fixed crash issue on Android 8 due to transparent theme & orientation lock configurations.


  • Bottom bar text color customization issue fix
    • User can change the default and selected color of the bottom bar navigation menu via gluedin_configurations.json file. Use the bottomBarTextColor key to change the default color and bottomBarSelectedColor key to change the default color.
    • Note: Use alpha in color code e.g.. for white color use #FFFFFF color code.

v3.6.0( 21-03-2023)

  • Video auto resizing based on aspect ratio for vertical feed
  • Revamped creator tool UI
  • Added capability to customized bottom navigational bar by using setCustomNavigationMenu() of GluedInInitializer class
    • Navigation item text and icons can be customized by using the MenuItem class
    • Background color of bottom bar can be customized by passing background color in gluedin_configurations.json file. Use the bottomBarBackgroundColor key to change the background color
    • A custom menu(only one) and its action via URI can be added on default bottom menu


  • Custom Navigation menu item in Vertical Feed, use the setCustomNavigationMenu() method to set the menu details.
  • Ability of change bottom navigation bar position in Vertical Feed when UGC feature is disabled. Use the enableBottomBar() method to enable/disable the feature.
  • Hide the logout & delete account feature for Autologin user
  • Logout callback exposed in SDK init callback
  • Permission tutorial added in creator tool flow
  • Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • Product Card linking on the Feed Screen
  • Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • Text as Post feature
  • Direct Message feature
  • Login/signup initiation callback when skip/auto login flow is enabled.
  • Added Below methods in GluedIn Initializer Builder class:
    • onSdkLogout() - When logged-In user logout from the app for skip/Auto login scenario
    • onSdkExit() - When user exit from the SDK
    • onLoginRegistrationRequired() - When login/signup action required for skip/Auto login scenario
  • Updated Exo Library to 2.18.1
  • Exposed SDK finish call back and add configurable back button on vertical feed screen ,use method enableBackButton(enable: Boolean)
  • Deprecated Method : Below method has been deprecated from GluedIn Initializer Builder class.
    • skipSDKDefaultAuth(true)


  • Exposed login/sign up callback if default login/signup is skipped
  • Bug Fixes


  • Bug Fixes


  • Bug Fixes
  • GluedIn Analytics Callback exposed


  • Bug Fixes


  • Invite Only Community
  • Baked Reward SDK


  • Widgets
  • Rewards Localization
  • Sample App link:


  • Rewards Feature
  • User Active/In-active
  • Business Account delete
  • Multi-Language Support in App

v1.3.3( 29-Sep-2022)

  • Bug Fixes (Upload Issue)


  • Multi Size Card Feed
  • Video Active/Inactive use case handling
  • Bug Fixes (Upload Issue)


  • Meta Support for user/content
    This feature help user to add meta information during registration which can be used further for filtering the content
  • Follow options on Feed
    This feature allows user to follow other user from Feed screen
  • User Name suggestion
    This feature provides suggestion of “user names” on user registration and edit profile
  • Multi content
    This feature allows uploading of Videos and images using Creator feature
  • Multi level comment
    This feature allows user to reply over existing comments
    Allows reporting any comments/replies from other users
  • Delete Account
    This feature allows user to delete his/her account from system
  • Custom thumbnail
    This feature allows user to choose custom thumbnail of the content before posting to server
    User can edit the thumbnail as per his/her preference.


  • Core SDK
  • Invite Only Community

v2.0.0 (27-Oct-2022)

  • SDK Restructured
  • Method renaming

v1.5.3 (26-Sep-2022)

  • Bug Fixes (Upload Issue)

v1.5.2 (15-Sep-2022)

  • Sample App Link:
  • Video Active/Inactive use case handling
  • Core SDK
    • Profile SDK
    API Class: ProfileInteractor
    Method : deleteUser()
    It is used to delete the current logged in user’s profile from the system
    •	Response Object : DeleteResponse
    •	Message: It is a simple string message
    •	StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    •	Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)

v1.4.1 (22-Aug-2022)

  • Bug Fixes

v1.3.4 (10-Aug-2022)

  • Meta Support for user/content
    This feature help user to add meta information during registration which can be used further for filtering the content
  • User Name suggestion
    This feature provides suggestion of “user names” on user registration and edit profile
  • Multi content
    This feature allows uploading of Videos and images using Creator feature
  • Multi level comment
    This feature allows user to reply over existing comments
    Allows reporting any comments/replies from other users


  • Bug Fixes and improvements

v2.0.0 (27-Oct-2022)

  • SDK Restructured
  • Method renaming

v1.5.3 (26-Sep-2022)

  • Bug Fixes

v1.5.2 (15-Sep-2022)

  • Sample App Link:
  • Video Active/Inactive use case handling
  • Baked Feed SDK
    • Multi size feed feature is available for Card Based Feed only
    • Follow Option on Feed and callback has been exposed for Vertical and Card Feed
      fun onUserFollow(currentFeedItem: VideoInfo?)

v1.4.1 (22-Aug-2022)

  • Bug Fixes

v1.3.4 (10-Aug-2022)

  • Multi content
    Multi content feed is integrated
  • Baked Feed SDK
    • User can integrate the Baked Feed as separate component into existing existing app
    • User can choose between Vertical & Card based feed
    • User have options to enable/disable Ads
    • User have options to enable or disable coach marks


  • Bug Fixes

v2.0.0 (27-Oct-2022)

  • SDK Restructured
  • Method renaming

v1.5.3 (26-Sep-2022)

  • Bug Fixes (Upload Issue)

v1.5.2 (15-Sep-2022)

  • Sample App Link:
  • Video Active/Inactive use case handling

v1.4.1 (22-Aug-2022)

Baked Creator SDK
  • Allows user to choose custom thumbnail of the content before posting to server.
  • User can edit the thumbnail as per his/her preference
  • Callback methods are added
    fun onThumbnailUpdated(path: String)
    fun onResetThumbnail()
    fun onStartContentUpdate()
    fun onThumbnailSelected(thumbnailType: ThumbnailType)

v1.3.4 (10-Aug-2022)

  • Multi content
    This feature allows uploading of Videos and images using Creator feature
  • Baked Creator SDK
    • Custom thumbnail feature
    • Allows user to choose custom thumbnail of the content before posting to server.
    • User can edit the thumbnail as per his/her preference
    • Callback methods are added.
      fun onThumbnailUpdated(path: String)
      fun onResetThumbnail()
      fun onStartContentUpdate()
      fun onThumbnailSelected(thumbnailType: ThumbnailType)


  • Baked Reward SDK
  • Reward Localization