Steps to use GluedInSDK as a Separate app
  • Download the Quick start sample app, Downloaded app will have sample API key and Secret Key which can be replaced with your project keys.
    • After downloading the Zip folder, extract the project in your development directory.
    • Open pod file into textedit as shown below:
  • Add/Replace below listed pods code inside your pod file, as shown below.
    • pod 'GluedInSDK', '~> 3.0.0'
    • pod 'Alamofire'(If required, and if you got a console error like – Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire Symbol not found: _$s9Alamofire21URLRequestConvertibleP02asB010Foundation0B0VyKFTq)
  • Open terminal and add your unzip project folder (GluedInMarketerSample folder → GluedInMarketerSample →) in terminal directory
  • Execute the “pod install” command. All the necessary dependencies along with GludeIn GludeIn SDK will install in targeted projects.
  • Now go to GluedInQuickLaunchSample folder → GluedInQuickLaunchSample → GluedInQuickLaunchSample.xcworkspace
  • Open GluedInMarketerSample.xcworkspace into XCode as shown below:


  • Change the App name: Click on targets → General . Double click on the display name editable text field and enter the application name which you wanted to display on the app store or client iPhone device.
  • Change the provisioning profile and bundle identifier of the app: After creating provisioning profile (Create Provisioning Profile | Apple Developer Forums ) use them in the below marked section.
  • Changes Social credentials: changes facebook app id and google id from the application info.plist file.
  • Change API_KEY and SECRET_KEY: Replace API Key and Secret key in info.plist file with your API Key and Secret Key generated through GluedIn console.
  • Change Applogo file in application asstes: Replace Application logo file at Assets/Applogo.
Note: App Key and Secret token can be obtained from GluedIn Console.


  • (Optional) Add icon images, which is located at ..\Example\Assets.xcassets\AppIcon.appiconset\ Suggested sizes for app icon
    20 * 20 29 * 29 40 * 40 80 * 80
    120 * 120 58 * 58 60 * 60 76 * 76
    87 * 87 152 * 152 167 * 167 180 * 180
    1024 * 1024