Method |
Method detail |
getUserDetails() |
Used to get the user’s profile details (User name, email, profile image etc) based on passed userid as parameter.
getUserContentList() |
Used to get the list of videos uploaded/created by the user.
followUnFollowUser() |
Used to follow and unfollow other users by logged in user. Simultaneously use getFollowingList() method to fetch the list of all users which.
updateUserProfile() |
It is used to edit/update user’s profile details based on passed parameters and returns updated user information.
updateProfileImage() |
It is used to upload profile image of the logged in user.
checkUserNameAvailability() |
Used to check if the user name is available or not. Simultaneously use editUserProfile() to update the logged in user details.
getFollowerList() |
Used to fetch the list of all followers of a user based on user id passed as parameter.
getFollowingList() |
Used to fetch the list of “following users” of the user based on user id passed as parameter.
blockUnblockUser() |
Used to block & unblock the user based on userId passed as parameter.
getUserListBlockedByMe() |
Used to get both the list of all users, which are either blocked by the logged in user and get blocked(logged in user) by other users in the system . This list can be used to further filter on feed, discover and search.
getUserReportOptions() |
Used to fetch all report options to report a user so that user can select those options and submit reports using postUserReport() method.
postUserReport() |
Submit the selected option to report User success/Fail as a response.