Profile SDK methods
Method Method detail
getUserDetails() Used to get the user’s profile details (User name, email, profile image etc) based on passed userid as parameter.
getUserContentList() Used to get the list of videos uploaded/created by the user.
followUnFollowUser() Used to follow and unfollow other users by logged in user. Simultaneously use getFollowingList() method to fetch the list of all users which.
updateUserProfile() It is used to edit/update user’s profile details based on passed parameters and returns updated user information.
updateProfileImage() It is used to upload profile image of the logged in user.
checkUserNameAvailability() Used to check if the user name is available or not. Simultaneously use editUserProfile() to update the logged in user details.
getFollowerList() Used to fetch the list of all followers of a user based on user id passed as parameter.
getFollowingList() Used to fetch the list of “following users” of the user based on user id passed as parameter.
blockUnblockUser() Used to block & unblock the user based on userId passed as parameter.
getUserListBlockedByMe() Used to get both the list of all users, which are either blocked by the logged in user and get blocked(logged in user) by other users in the system . This list can be used to further filter on feed, discover and search.
getUserReportOptions() Used to fetch all report options to report a user so that user can select those options and submit reports using postUserReport() method.
postUserReport() Submit the selected option to report User success/Fail as a response.
  • For Fetching User Details
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : getUserDetails()
    Used to get the user’s profile details (User name, email, profile image etc) based on passed userid as parameter.
    API Request:
    • Parameters
    • userId : String
    API Response:
    • Response Object : UserProfile
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : it returns user related data
  • For Fetching User Videos
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : getUserContentList()
    Used to get the list of videos uploaded/created by the user.
    API Request:
    • Request Object : ProfileParams
    • Parameters
    • userId:user id
    • limit: How many video you want in a single response
    • offset: it's the current page/offset
    API Response:
    • Response Object : UserVideos
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : It returns list of videos uploaded/created by user
  • For Follow User
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : followUnFollowUser()
    Used to follow and unfollow other users by logged in user. Simultaneously use getFollowingList() method to fetch the list of all users which.
    API Request:
    • Request Object : UserFollowReqDto
    • Parameters
    • isFollow: (1 for Follow , 0 for unFollow)
    • followingId: user id of the to be followed/unfollowed profile
    API Response:
    • Response Object : UserFollow
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
  • To Edit User Profile Details
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : updateUserProfile()
    It is used to edit/update user’s profile details based on passed parameters and returns updated user information.
    API Request:
    • Request Object : EditProfileReqDto
    • Parameters
    • description : description of the profile
    • fullName: full name of the user
    • profileImageUrl: Profile Pic Url (it is S3 server url or any downloadable profile image link)
    • userName :userName of the user
    • metaKeys:can be used to send any meta value in string format
    API Response:
    • Response Object : EditProfileImage
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : it returns updated user profile details
  • For Uploading User Profile Image
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : updateProfileImage()
    It is used to upload profile image of the logged in user.
    API Request:
    • Request Object : EditProfileImage
    • Parameters
    • baseString64: Base 64 image data
    API Response:
    • Response Object : EditProfileImage
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : it returns updated user profile details
  • For Checking Username Availability
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : checkUserNameAvailability()
    Used to check if the user name is available or not. Simultaneously use editUserProfile() to update the logged in user details.
    API Request:
    • Parameters
    • userName: String
    API Response:
    • Response Object : IsUserNameAvailable
    • Message : It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success : It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : It returns Username’s availability details
  • For Fetching User Followers List
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : getFollowerList()
    Used to fetch the list of all followers of a user based on user id passed as parameter.
    API Request:
    • Request Object : ProfileParams
    • Parameters
    • userId user id
    • limit: How many follower user you want in a single response
    • offset: it's the current page/offset
    API Response:
    • Response Object : UserFollowers
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data:it returns a list of followers
  • For Fetching User Following List
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : getFollowingList()
    Used to fetch the list of “following users” of the user based on user id passed as parameter.
    API Request:
    • Request Object : ProfileParams
    • Parameters
    • userId : user id
    • limit: How many follower user you want in a single response
    • offset: it's the current page/offset
    API Response:
    • Response Object : UserFollowings
    • Message: It is simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data:It returns a list of following users
  • To Block and Unblock Users
    API Class : FeedInteractor
    Method : blockUnblockUser()
    Used to block & unblock the user based on userId passed as parameter.
    API Request:
    • Request Object : BlockUserReqDto
    • Parameters
    • blockUserId: id of the user to whom you want to block/unblock
    • block: true/false (Block / Unblock)
    API Response:
    • Response Object : CommonResponse
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
  • For Get Block Users Details
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : getUserListBlockedByMe()
    Used to get both the list of all users, which are either blocked by the logged in user and get blocked(logged in user) by other users in the system . This list can be used to further filter on feed, discover and search.
    API Request - NA
    API Response:
    • Response Object : BlockedUserDetail
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns an API status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : it returns block user list
  • To Fetch User Report Options
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : getUserReportOptions()
    Used to fetch all report options to report a user so that user can select those options and submit reports using postUserReport() method.
    API Request:
    API Response:
    • Response Object : ReportOptions
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns api status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns Boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : it returns list of report options for User
  • For Submitting Comments Report option
    API Class : ProfileInteractor
    Method : postUserReport()
    Submit the selected option to report User
    • Response Object : ReportReqDto
    • userId : video owner id
    • actingUserId: login user id
    • event: report
    • type: user
    • reason : select one option using getReportOptions API
    • Response Object : ReportResponse
    • Message: It is a simple string message
    • StatusCode : It returns api status code (like 200,201,500,401)
    • Success: It returns boolean value, (true/false)
    • data : it returns report related data