GluedIn Team | Published on March 30, 2023
5 Reasons to Make Online Shopping Entertaining for Users
There is so much that digital commerce businesses are dealing with these days - higher consumer acquisition costs, lower funding, lower ability to give discounts, stakeholder demands for higher retention and unit economics.
Is this a time to limit activity or a time to rethink and reprioritize activity?
This blog makes a case for re-prioritizing activities for your digital commerce business. Spend a fraction of your consumer acquisition budget in making Shopping Entertaining for Users and you could see the difference it makes to your business.
Here are Five reasons why this is important now
Commerce Apps are adopting and using content features at a rapid pace
86% of marketers state that videos help directly increase sales. Amazon is prioritizing Inspire, a short video feed in their shopping app. Users are spending more than half their time on short videos. Its time that your e-commerce app also incorporates content and short video features.
Improve Discoverability of Products
Users stick where the browsing experience throws surprises and they discover new things. Add interesting widgets like content, hashtags, influencer profiles to your e-commerce site and see the bounce rates come down and time spent go up
Increase CLTV by Rewarding Users
More than 55% of shoppers value rewards, loyalty points and coupons and are ready to make an effort to earn this. Incentivize users by rewarding them for their interactions, testimonials and sharing. Loyal users are the best brand ambassadors.
Better First Party Data through Gamification
Pushing notifications, remarketing and emails will only go so far. Brands can harness a critical mass of first-party data for the cookie-less future by offering rewards to lucky users for participation in content creation, interactions, sharing and participation in contests. This enables you to build a repository of data that can be used to construct user profiles, and collect customer and community feedback in the form of surveys and questionnaires.
Improve Conversions through Content
A/B test conversions using different scenarios - discount led, content led, rewards led, contest led. The more tools that you have at your disposal in your store, the better. "Shopatainment a concept that combines shopping with entertainment is all about creating an engaging and entertaining shopping experience that keeps customers coming back for more. As social commerce is poised to hit over $ 1 Trillion and as e-commerce marketers increasingly adopt content, community and gamification features on their websites and apps, this is the time to reprioritize and join the bandwagon.
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