Creator methods
Method Method detail
getHashtagSuggestion() Convenient getter method to get hashtag auto suggestion list which can be used further on creator and other screen.
getContentUploadUrl() Convenient getter method to get signed url for upload new content on server.
getTagFriendList() Convenient getter method to get tag friends list which can be used on creator module while creating post.
getContentUploadCategories() Convenient getter method to get categories list which user will tag with the posting content during creating the post.
uploadContentMetaData() Convenient getter method to get categories list which user will tag with the posting content during creating the post.
getSoundList() Convenient getter method to get sound list which user will tag with the posting content during creating the post.
  • Get Hashtag suggestion list method:
    API Class : CreatorData
    Method : getHashtagSuggestion
    Convenient getter method to get hashtag auto suggestion list which can be used further on creator and other screen.
    Requested parameter.
    text: parameter text used to rander related name list.
    // Call to get hashtag auto suggestion list based on search string
     CreatorData.sharedInstance.getHashtagSuggestion(text: "search String") {result in
        if (result?.data) != nil {
           // Do Something
           print(result?.data as Any)
    } failure: {error in
          // Do Something
    • Response Object : Hashtag auto suggestion model Object
    • Keys which object have:
    • id :
    • backgroundImage: hashtag background image to use further
    • bannerImage: hashtag banner image to use further
    • createdAt: hashtag created at
    • createdBy: token of the user
    • createdTimestamp: access token of the user
    • descriptionField : userid of the user
    • hashtagId: hashtag created at
    • createdBy: hashtag created by user name
    • createdTimestamp: content language
    • descriptionField: description of the field
    • hashtagId: hashtag id
    • image: Image of the hashtag
    • status : Status of hashtag
    • taggedVideos: i[ ] tagged video list array
    • title : hashtag title string
    • updatedAt : Updated at timestamp
    • updatedTimestamp : Updated timestamp
    • videoCount : video count on this hashtag
  • Get Content upload Signed URL method:
    API Class : CreatorData
    Method : getContentUploadUrl
    Convenient getter method to get signed url for upload new content on server.
    Requested parameter.
    type: parameter text type which define what type of content user wanted to upload.
    // Call to get hashtag auto suggestion list based on search string
    CreatorData.sharedInstance.getContentUploadUrl(type: { [weak self] result in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                } failure: { [weak self] (error, code) in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                    // Error message
    • Response Object : Content upload response Object
    • Keys which object have:
    • StatusCode : Status code to know response status from API
    • Message : message status to upload the content
    • Success : True/False
  • Get Tag User List:
    API Class : CreatorData
    Method : getTagFriendList
    Convenient getter method to get tag friends list which can be used on creator module while creating post.
    Requested parameter.
    text: parameter text used to rander related name list.
    limit: Total number of record which you wanted to get in single call
    offset: Number of page which you wanted to trigger
    CreatorData.sharedInstance.getTagFriendList(text: "",
              limit: 10,
              offset: 1) {result in
      if (result?.data) != nil {
               // Do Something
    } failure: {error in
      // Do Something
    • Response Object : User Model Object
    • Keys which object have:
    • description : “description field for the user information”
    • email : “User email address”
    • fullName : “Full name of the user”
    • profileImageUrl : “profile image for the user”
    • token : “token of the user”
    • accessToken : “access token of the user”
    • userId : “userid of the user”
    • userName : “user name of the user”
    • blockedByUser: “Array of the blocked user”
    • blockedUser : “Array of the user who blocked me”
    • id : “id of the content”
    • followersCount : “follower count of the user”
    • videoCount : “video count of the user”
    • creator: “creator id”
    • follow: “is follow”
    • followingCount: “following Count”
    • imageUrl: “Image url of the user”
  • Get Content Upload Categories List:
    API Class : creator
    Method : getContentUploadCategories
    Convenient getter method to get categories list which user will tag with the posting content during creating the post.
    Requested parameter.
    text: parameter text used to rander related name list.
    limit: Total number of record which you wanted to get in single call
    offset: Number of page which you wanted to trigger
    CreatorData.sharedInstance.getContentUploadCategories(text: "", limit: 100, offset: 1) { [weak self] postVideoCategoryList in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                } failure: { [weak self] error, code in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }  
    • Response Object : Upload signed data Model Object
    • Keys which object have:
    • StatusCode : Status code to know response status from API
    • Message : message status to upload the content
    • Success : True/False
    • Response Object : category model Object
    • categoryId : category id
    • categoryName : Name of the category
    • coverImage : category cover image
  • Upload single or multiple content:
    API Class : CreatorData
    Method : uploadContentMetaData
    Convenient getter method to get categories list which user will tag with the posting content during creating the post.
    Requested parameter.
    userId: parameter text used to rander related name list.
    url: Total number of record which you wanted to get in single call
    title: Number of page which you wanted to trigger
    videoCoverImage:"content cover image"
    description: "Content description"
    follow: "Follow user of the content"
    type: "Type of the content, Video/Iamge"
    categoryId: "category Id which is selected with content"
    categoryName: "Category name which is selected with content"
    taggedUser: "Tagged user list which tagged with content"
    ContentURLs: "Array: Content urls list which is posting with content"
                    userId: userId,
                    url: s3Url,
                    title: title,
                    videoCoverImage: dataString,
                    description: description,
                    follow: follow,
                    type: videoType,
                    categoryId: categoryId,
                    categoryName: categoryName,
                    taggedUsers: taggedUsers,
                    contentUrls: contentUrlArray) { [weak self] result in
                        guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                        weakSelf.isLoading = false
                        guard result?.result != nil else { return }
                        weakSelf.videoInfoUploadToServerResponse = result
                } failure: { [weak self] error, code in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                    weakSelf.isLoading = false
    • Keys which object have:
    • StatusCode : Status code to know response status from API
    • Message : message status to upload the content
    • Success : True/False
  • Get Sound list data:
    API Class : CreatorData
    Method : getSoundList
    Convenient getter method to get sound list which user will tag with the posting content during creating the post.
    Requested parameter.
    searchText: parameter text used to rander related sound.
    limit: Total number of record which you wanted to get in single call
    offset: Number of page which you wanted to trigger
    CreatorData.sharedInstance.getSoundList(searchText: searchText, limit: limit, offset: pageOffset) { [weak self] result in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                    weakSelf.isLoading = false
                    if result.result != nil {
                        weakSelf.soundObject = result
                } failure: { [weak self] error, code in
                    guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
                    weakSelf.isLoading = false
                    weakSelf.alertMessage = error
    • Keys which object have:
    • StatusCode : Status code to know response status from API
    • Message : message status to upload the content
    • Success : True/False
    • Sound : [SoundData]