Sync section
This method will use if App has its own authentication in place, in that case they need to call “quickLaunch” method on @action entry point:
  • methods : quickLaunch.
  • Parameter:
  • Email (Mandatory field): “your logged in user email id”.
  • Password (Mandatory field): “your logged in user password”.
  • deviceId (Mandatory field): “device ID” .
  • deviceType (Mandatory): “iOS” .
  • fullName (Mandatory): “ logged in user full name” .
  • Sample to call:
  GluedinSDK.shared.quickLaunch(email: "",
          password: "123456789",
                                      firebaseToken: "",
                                      deviceId: "123456",
                                      deviceType: "ios",
                                      fullName: "Amit Choudhary",
                                      autoCreate: true) { vw in
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vw  ?? UIViewController(), animated: true)
        } failure: { error in